
The Governing Board at AHS comprises up to 15 volunteer governors appointed by the Members for their skills, knowledge or experience, 2 volunteer parent/carer governors elected by the parent/carer body to ensure a parental perspective on the board and co-opted governors appointed by the Board.  Once appointed or elected to the Board all governors have equal status.  Together Governors bring a breadth of skills, knowledge, experience and a range of perspectives to the strategic leadership of AHS.

The Governing Board works together to carry out its core functions which are:

  • ensuring a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction for AHS
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of AHS and making sure its money is well spent.

The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets formally four times a year while much of the business of the board takes place through its 3 committees:

  • Personnel
  • Resources
  • Teaching & Learning

All Governors sit on two of these committees.  In addition, governors also volunteer to take on specific roles such as acting as a link with the school on safeguarding, SEND, Pupil Premium or equalities, chairing a committee or sitting on panels of governors to deal with complaints, HR matters or exclusions.

As an academy school, the Governing Board of AHS must ensure the school complies with its charitable purpose, with charity and company law, and with its Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State for Education, as well as compliance with all other legal and statutory requirements. In doing so, Board members must act in the interests of the school to ensure its success.  The Board’s remit is primarily strategic in nature whilst the operational running of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher and the senior staff.

Governor Profiles

Full Governing Board meeting dates 23-24

Governor Committee Membership 24-25

Governor Framework 23-24

Meeting attendance 22-23

If you wish to contact the Governing Board, please email Mrs Caroline Cobb (Clerk to the Governing Board) at [email protected] who will acknowledge receipt within 3 school days and ensure it is dealt with by the right person.   

Members of the Academy Trust:

Mr Alan Rosen – Appointed 1 July 11
Mr James Chandler – Appointed 5 Dec 17
Mr Arfan Chaudhry –  Appointed 1 July 11
Mr Anthony Woods –  Appointed 1 August 23

Co-Chairs of the Governing Board:

Mrs Helen Bush ([email protected])

Dr Kate Weir ([email protected])

Vice Chair of the Governing Board: 

Mrs Sandra Maher


Articles of Association

Funding Agreement

AHS Scheme of Delegation

Audited Accounts 22-23

Audited Accounts 21-22

Audited Accounts 20-21

Audited Accounts 19-20

Audited Accounts 18-19

Audited Accounts  17-18

School Financial Benchmarking Information