Leave Of Absence Request

Please report your child’s COVID or other illness related absence through the

Pupil absence line: 01296 388230

Please access Edulink to submit your request.

In exceptional circumstances, requests for Leave of Absence can be made to the School.  This may include requests to attend a wedding or funeral of a first degree relative, a university visit, driving tests (not lessons), work experience, county level sport, and students in entertainment. 

The Leave of Absence request must be submitted at least one month before the proposed period of absence. The School is not permitted to authorise planned absence for any reason at the start of the academic year, in the run up to external examinations, during periods of controlled assessments or school exam periods.

Please note that amendments made in 2013 to the Education Regulations 2006 (Pupil Registration England) make it unlikely that leave of absence for holidays will be granted in any but the most extreme circumstances.


If your daughter misses lessons, it is her responsibility to arrange methods of catching up with her teachers. Teachers are not expected to give individual support on her return to School.  

Under DfE Guidance, the School is not permitted to provide online learning for students to work away from school unless they are isolating because of Covid.