Year 9

Welcome to the Year 9 area of the website

The Head of Year 9 is Mrs S Saunders [email protected]
Year 9 form tutors are as follows:
9A    Mrs L Davidson-Fox 9H   Miss C Mabey 9S  Mrs O Lu
9C   Mr P Morris 9M   Ms C Smith 9W  Mr P Gelinas

Please do email them if you have any concerns you would like to discuss. They are often teaching during the school day, but Mrs Sheed, the Key Stage 3 Pastoral Support Assistant, is often the best first point of contact on 01296 388222.

To report an absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, please contact the school’s absence line on 01296 388230 on each day of the absence.  Alternatively, you can email Mrs Sheed on [email protected] each day. Please include details of your daughter’s name, form and the reason for absence in your message.

Whilst your daughter is in this Year Group, you will find copies of relevant information booklets, homework timetables and letters home below.

YEAR 9 LETTERS HOME – Please click here to read all letters relating to Y9 students

Homework Timetables

The Options page will be updated later in the year to give GCSE options and subject information.

Maths Yr 9