Consultation Evening Booking System
Once a year, you are invited to talk with your daughter’s subject teachers. We are using an online booking and video meet system currently for Consultation Evenings which we hope will make the whole process easier both for parents and the school.
You will be sent a letter before your daughter’s consultation evening which tells you how to use the system and the date on which bookings will open for her year group. A copy of this letter, prior to the consultation evening, will be uploaded to the relevant Year Group webpage, which can be found here: Year Groups
You will be able to choose which subject teachers you would like to meet. However, booking is first-come, first-served, and some teachers teach more pupils than the number of appointment slots, so it will not be possible for them to meet everyone.
The system initially restricts you to a maximum of six appointments but there will be an opportunity later in the booking week to make more appointments.
Please look at the year group events under the calendar for the dates of this year’s consultation evenings.