
The library opening hours are:

Monday :       9.00-4.30

Tuesday:       8.30-4.30

Wednesday:  8.30-4.30

Thursday:      8.30-4.30

Friday:           8.30-3.30

The last hour, Monday to Thursday, is set aside for homework after school.

The library catalogue is held on the OLIVER system (click here), which you can use to find book authors, titles and subjects held in the school library. You can also borrow books from our e-book platform (click here).

Your textbooks and other resources are issued at the library.  The number you can have depends on your year and these increase as you go up through the school.  The normal loan period is 2 weeks but you can have items over the holidays.  If you can’t find what you are looking for we are able to order items and titles from outside organisations.

If you have overdue books you will receive notices in registration.  If you do not come and renew or return them you will receive a fine and a behaviour mark.

The library is here to help you with ideas and information for coursework, projects, presentations or just reading for fun!  We hold other items that may help you with these such as newspapers and journals.

During the year the library holds different events – watch out for information at the library and around the school for when these are being held.  We also have a suggestions board for pupils to give us their views on what they would like to see and what they think.

Food, drinks, gum and mobile phones are not permitted in the library.

sixth form in lib    lib computers


Yr 11 library    library with 3 Yr 7s