Chromebooks & BYOD

After a lot of consultation and research, and with the support of parents, we moved to a 1:1 system at AHS, so all our students have been using their own devices since September 2018.

99% of our students now own their own devices and are making very good use of them in their day-to-day learning, with the small proportion of students who did not purchase a device able to borrow one from our library each day.  Chromebooks have given our students access to all sorts of exciting educational apps and we have been impressed with how much more collaborative their learning has become.  Google Classroom has been particularly beneficial in enabling them to share work and receive feedback – and all of this is available at home as well as at school.

Please read below for more information.



We recognise the importance of technology in today’s society and believe it enhances learning opportunities.  With the older students at school soon to explore options beyond AHS, we want them to have the choice between a Chromebook or a device they think is more appropriate to their needs.

Do I have to purchase a device?

We do want all students to have access to a device in school.  You may choose to purchase a new Chromebook or you may have a device at home already that you can bring in to school.  Alternatively, you can borrow a Chromebook from the library. Students who borrow will need to collect one from the Library each morning and return it each afternoon; those devices can’t be taken home.

Can I bring in a tablet?

For Y7 – 11 students, the answer is no as you need to have a Chromebook.  For Sixth Form students, an onscreen keyboard is not an appropriate keyboard for the amount of typing you will have to do with school work.  However, if you have an add-on keyboard for your tablet this would be acceptable.

What do I do if I have a device but I don’t yet know if the battery life is long enough to last the day?

We would suggest you bring this device to use in September.  If it turns out the battery does not last long enough, you can borrow a Chromebook from the library in the short term whilst you investigate options for devices that have a longer battery life.

What if I can’t afford a device?

Please contact the school to discuss your options.  There will be an opportunity to borrow a Chromebook on a long-term basis for Pupil Premium students and students claiming Sixth Form Bursary can use some of their funding towards the cost of a Chromebook.

What about our exams that have to be handwritten?

We are not expecting you to be using your devices 24/7 and staff at AHS are very conscious of this.  We are very aware that there needs to be a balance for a number of reasons, like the fact you will handwrite your exams at the end of the year.

Will we still have textbooks?

This will vary from subject to subject.  Some subjects use electronic textbooks.  Some subjects keep textbooks in the classroom and leave the electronic version for you to use at home.  Some subjects use paper copies of textbooks, especially if they had them from before we went 1:1.

How do I connect to the BYOD Wi-Fi?

For Y7-11 students, this is done through the Google License.  For Sixth Form students, selecting the SSID named “AHS-BYOD” will in most cases just ask for a username and password. These are the same details students use to log into the school desktops with.

Sometimes, the user will be asked for some extra information which should be changed to match the below:

EAP method:
EAP Phase 2 authentication:
Server CA certificate:
Do not check


There are many educational benefits to using Chromebooks in school, such as:

  • Increased collaboration between students and students and teachers
  • Use of features such as the Google Classroom to share work and receive feedback
  • Improved organisation and presentation of work
  • Access to educational apps to enhance teaching and learning
  • Access to resources at  home

There is a wide range of devices available, but Chromebooks offer:

  • Value for money
  • Long battery life
  • Less than 8-second boot up
  • Simple technology
  • Access to Google Apps for Education
  • Excellent collaboration tools The operating system and the GSuite apps are regularly updated without you noticing (and for free)
  • Very resistant to viruses and Trojans
  • Purchase cost (and total cost of ownership as well) is low compared with other devices
  • Convenient for school to manage large numbers

The AHS Acceptable Use Policy can be found here

Chromebook Tips

You might find some of these links useful:
Introductory Presentation for Year 7 students

Digital tools for learning
Getting started with my Chromebook
How to connect to wifi at home
How to connect a printer
How to customise my desktop/shelf
Keyboard shortcuts
How to set Chrome as my default browser
How to change my Chromebook password
How to use Google Keep
How to add an event to Google Calendar
How to add Reminders to Google Calendar
How to view your Classroom calendar
How to organise your Google Drive


How do I make an insurance or warranty claim? (Purchases made through school from September 2020 to September 2022)

If you think you need to make an insurance or warranty claim please contact Edde on 01494 611465 or at [email protected].  There are some useful flyers from the insurance company about looking after your Chromebook here and here.

What is the excess on the insurance policy?

There is no excess on either the insurance or warranty.

Insurance Policy information

  • Sept 2020 – Sept 2023 (current Y9): See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.
  • Sept 2021 – Sept 2024 (current Y8): See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.
  • Sept 2022 – Sept 2025 (current Y7): See insurance policy wording here and the Insurance Product Information Document here.

Chromebook Loans

In the case that the student’s Chromebook is unusable, AHS offers both day-lends, and long-term loans depending on the circumstances.

In instances where the device was forgotten or not charged (enough to last the school day), students will need to borrow a device from the Library and return it at the end of the day.

If the device is damaged, or not working properly then students will need to visit the IT office where they will be instructed on the below process:

When a chromebook is first brought to the IT office, the technicians will do what they can to resolve the issue. Depending on the time this will take the student might be directed to borrow a device from the Library.

If the issue can not be resolved for a device bought through school, then a warranty/insurance claim will need to be filed using the process above. Students will then be instructed to borrow a daily device from the library, until either the device is repaired or an email from the parents is sent to [email protected] to arrange a long term loan.

Chromebook Replacements

In the case of a new device being purchased, a Google License will need to be added to the device.

If the device was replaced via the warranty/Insurance agreement, or if the new device is exactly the same make and model of the previous, then the IT team can transfer the license across devices – they will need the Serial Number of the old device, and the new device itself to complete this process.

Unfortunately, due to Google’s policies, the IT team are unable to transfer a license that does not meet either of the above criteria. In this case a new license will need to be purchased. Please request one by emailing the IT department at [email protected], the license will then be added to your ParentMail account.

Once this has been paid for, the student can bring the new device to the IT office to have it installed.

The current price for a Google license is £40.00